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mallorcan wines

The Best Wines of Mallorca: Mediterranean Treasures

written by Es Príncep / September 17, 2024

The best wines of Mallorca gain attention during September, particularly as the traditional harvest festivals are celebrated. The island's winemaking tradition dates to Roman times, but in recent decades it has experienced a renaissance, producing high-quality wines that compete on the international stage.

Mallorca boasts two Designations of Origin (D.O.) - Binissalem and Pla i Llevant - as well as a Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) for Wines of the Land of Mallorca. Each of these regions produces wines with unique characteristics, influenced by the island's particular terroir: limestone soils, Mediterranean climate, and native grape varieties.

Denomination of Origin Binissalem

Established in 1991, the D.O. Binissalem covers the municipalities of Binissalem, Sencelles, Santa María del Camí, Consell, and Santa Eugènia. This region is known for its powerful and structured red wines, mainly made from the native Manto Negro grape, often blended with international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Syrah.

One of the standout wines from this denomination is "Ànima Negra ÀN," produced by the Ànima Negra winery. This wine, primarily made from the indigenous Callet grape, is renowned for its complexity and elegance. Another exceptional wine is "Sió" from Bodega Ribas, a blend of Manto Negro, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon, perfectly representing the region's style.

Denomination of Origin Pla i Llevant

Created in 1999, the D.O. Pla i Llevant is located in the eastern part of the island. This region produces both high-quality red and white wines. The clay soils and cooler climate, influenced by the sea, give these wines a distinctive character.

Among the best wines from this denomination is "Motorista" from Bodega 4 Kilos, a red made with Callet and Fogoneu that has received praise from international critics. Another notable wine is "Gallinas y Focas" from Ànima Negra, an elegant and complex white made from Premsal Blanc and Chardonnay.

Wines of the Land of Mallorca

Outside of these two D.O.s, excellent wines can be found under the IGP Wines of the Land of Mallorca. This category allows producers greater freedom in grape varieties and winemaking methods.

A standout example is "Trispol" from Bodega Can Majoral, a powerful and balanced red made with Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah. Another notable wine is "Som Marí" from Bodega Mesquida Mora, a fresh and aromatic white made with Premsal Blanc, Chardonnay, and Parellada.

Indigenous Varieties

One of the most fascinating aspects of Mallorcan wines is the use of native grape varieties. In addition to the already mentioned Manto Negro and Callet for reds, and Premsal Blanc for whites, other local varieties include:

1.Fogoneu: A red variety that produces light and fresh wines.

2.Gorgollassa: A recently revived red variety showing promising results.

3.Giró Ros: A white grape that produces aromatic and balanced wines.

These native varieties, combined with international ones, allow Mallorcan winemakers to create unique and highly characterful wines.

Challenges for the Future

Despite the quality of its wines, the Mallorcan wine sector faces several challenges. The island's limited size restricts vineyard expansion, resulting in relatively small productions. This, combined with high production costs, makes Mallorcan wines tend to be more expensive than their mainland counterparts.

However, these challenges have also driven producers to focus on quality over quantity, opting for premium wines that can compete in the international market. Additionally, the growing interest in wines made with indigenous varieties and the rise of wine tourism are opening new opportunities for the sector.

Mallorcan winemakers are also exploring new winemaking techniques and experimenting with aging in different types of barrels to create even more distinctive wines. Some wineries are even reviving ancient practices, such as making wine in clay amphorae.

If you’d like to know more about Mallorcan wineries or the harvest festivals, feel free to ask us. We’d be happy to share more information.
